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American Oak Handrail in the Heritage Rail Profile

American Oak Handrail in the Heritage Rail Profile

American Oak Handrail in the Heritage Rail Profile

American Oak is a great timber to work in, and for a while there when the Australian $ was on parity with the USA $, the difference in price was fairly small when compared to Australian Oak. When this was the case, the number of jobs that we got in American Oak was quite strong. One such job was to produce our Heritage Rail profile.

This profile has been a regular in our range of timber handrails that we produce for the last decade. It simple but traditional design still remains a popular choice for customers who are wanting a staircase with a more traditional look.

The photos above and below show the profile in all it beauty in American Oak, in this case with a 32mm rebate to suit timber balusters.

This design as well as many other can be found in our online shop.

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