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Bread Loaf Handrail

Bread Loaf Handrail

Bread Loaf Handrail

Timber handrails is something that we manufacture at our factory in Adelaide every week. Most of the time is spent replenishing our range of stock profiles that we carry; but we also do custom designs from time to time.

When we do get a call for a custom profile the first step is to draw it up on our CAD software. Once the customer has approved the drawing, we then get some plastic knife templates cut-out.

Using these templates we produce the knifes that will go onto the Weinig 7 head moulder that will then profile the timber to the final shape.

This was the process we went through to produce the bread loaf shape handrail that you can see in the photos above and below.

If you have a custom design handrail that you would like to have made, please contact us to discuss your needs.

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