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Custom Timber Spheres

Custom Timber Spheres

Custom Timber Spheres

Have you ever been scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed, or down the rabbit hole on YouTube and stumbled across a “Top 10 Most Satisfying” video? Well... we’d like to think that this video of our woodturning machine creating perfectly symmetrical balls would take out the number one spot every time. While at first glance this might look like a streamlined, simple process, making a perfect sphere actually takes a lot of patience, and experience (and the right machinery). Contrary to how it may appear, it’s not a simple woodturning job.

While in the past we’ve made timber balls for furniture makers and stair builders, these particular balls were to be coated in foam and used as floatation devices. It’s unique requests such as these that keep our jobs interesting- so if you, or someone you know is in the market for some custom woodturning why not give us a call in the office or pop by for a chat? You can find us online at or at our store in Adelaide!

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