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Watch 50mm Hardwood Dowel Being Manufactured

Watch 50mm Hardwood Dowel Being Manufactured

Watch 50mm Hardwood Dowel Being Manufactured

wyThere is an old saying that says "You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear". The same is true with producing round timber dowel. If the machinery or tooling is not a up to scratch, then the finish on the product won't be either.

Manufacturing a round dowel from timber that is not only perfectly round but also smoothly finished is quite a task, but is one that we happily accept the challenge of.

Using our precision 7 head Weinig moulder and high quality tooling we are able to produce both 43mm and 50mm round dowel to be used as wall handrail on stairs.

In the video below we show some of the 50mm dowel being run through our moulder.

The 50mm and 43mm are both stock products for us, and are available for purchase in our online shop. Apart from these 2 sizes, we also have tooling made up for a number of different diameters, which we can specially run depending on the size of the order.

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