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Wyatt Groth

How To Build A Coffee Table


Materials From Hammersmith

  • Stair Tread
  • Round Galvanised Pipe 34mm
  • 90 Degree Elbow for 34mm Pipe
  • Short T for 34mm Pipe
  • Wall Flange for 34mm Pipe

Other Materials

  • Screws

Other Materials

  • Allen key
  • Cordless Drill

Level Of Difficulty:

Learn how to build industrial style furniture using galvanised pipe fittings.

Step 1

Setting up the framework:

  • Place coffee table pipe legs in Wall Flange (GAF131-B34) and tighten with allen key
  • Slide 3 x Short T (GAF101-B34) onto cross support pipe evenly and secure with allen key
  • Place 2 x 90 Degree Elbow (GAF125-B34) on the end of each cross support pipes and secure
  • With the Wall Flange and pipe legs in position, place constructed cross support pipes onto each end with the outer two Short T's sliding onto pipe legs. Your 90 Degree Elbow opening should be facing upwards
  • Repeat on other side

NOTE: How you have the fittings is up to you. To keep with the industrial feel, ensure the set screws are visible from the outside of the coffee table structure.

Step 2

Attaching frame to timber tread (coffee table top):

  • Attach the centre pipe beam to both centre Short T (GAF101-B34) and secure with allen key
  • Turn structure over and ensure 90 Degree Elbow fitting and cross pipe beam are flush with your workbench and is stable
  • Turn structure over and ensure 90 Degree Elbow fitting and cross pipe beam are flush with your workbench and is stable

TIP:  It is a good idea to pre-drill holes into timber tread.

Step 3

Check and tighten:

  • Turn 90 Degree Elbow 'feet' up the right way and tighten with allen key
  • Turn coffee table over and check it is stable and secure tightly all fasteners

NOTE: If your table is stable, check which leg needs to be lengthened and loosen the fittings to adjust the pipe legs before retightening.

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